Award-Winning Retirement Living in San Diego
Silvergate has been an award-winning senior living provider in San Diego County for more than 25 years. With two established locations and one more under development, Silvergate is proud to have a long-standing tradition of providing outstanding Independent Living, Assisted Living and Memory Care accommodations and services.
In 1990, we built and opened the doors to Silvergate Fallbrook, our first location and the first retirement community in Fallbrook. Just a few years later, we added Silvergate San Marcos to the Silvergate family in 1994. In an effort to address the growing need for dedicated memory care in San Diego County, we built and opened the doors to our first Silvergate Memory Care Suites at Silvergate San Marcos in 2000, and at Silvergate Fallbrook in 2012.
Why Silvergate
30-50 words of relevant, key-worded copy about the Silvergate Community. Vel utroque tractatos ne. Elit mnesarchum sea id, ex aperiri apeirian volutpat est, nam nisl labores nonumes ex. Sit ipsum signiferumque ne, ne deseruisse argumentum sea. Consetetur scribentur eu per. Te sit incorrupte definitionem.
Memory Care
30-50 words of relevant, key-worded copy about the Silvergate Community. Vel utroque tractatos ne. Elit mnesarchum sea id, ex aperiri apeirian volutpat est, nam nisl labores nonumes ex. Sit ipsum signiferumque ne, ne deseruisse argumentum sea. Consetetur scribentur eu per. Te sit incorrupte definitionem.