When asked about retirement community living, seniors often say, “I’m just not ready yet.” Contrary to what you may believe, moving to a retirement community is not surrendering to your age. The wonderful and often unexpected benefits of moving sooner rather than later are significant and undeniable.
If maintaining independence is your goal, Silvergate offers you an exciting and engaging retirement living solution – one that provides an easier lifestyle with fewer daily hassles, more services, more conveniences, more opportunities for fun and more real freedom than you have at home right now.
What Is Senior Living?
Today’s senior living communities are a far cry from yesterday’s stuffy nursing homes. Quality retirement communities like Silvergate are full of lively energy, bustling activities and compassionate staff who quickly feel like extended family. Our resort-style services, modern amenities, and chef-prepared cuisine allow older adults to live with greater ease and more independence than ever before.
➤ Learn more about today’s senior living communities.
Am I Ready For Senior Living?
As a senior, one of the most important assets you have is time. Deciding how to spend each new day becomes ever more important in your retirement years. What if you could reignite the passions and pursuits in your life by giving yourself more freedom to live each day with greater purpose and more joy?
➤ Discover why you’re more ready for senior living than you think.
Discussing Senior Living With Elderly Parents
Conversations about senior care can be stressful for adult children who find themselves having to discuss the topic with reticent elderly parents. However, with empathy, active listening, and a focus on their wellbeing, the conversations are a positive and empowering experience. Check out our helpful guide on how to have a productive conversation with your parents.
➤ Download the “Talking To Your Parent” Guide.
Affording A Senior Living Lifestyle
One of greatest tools you have for taking care of yourself and living comfortably in retirement is the equity you’ve built over time in your home. Selling your house and then wisely investing the proceeds converts it from a real estate asset to a liquid asset that you can now directly control. It gives you the freedom to take advantage of a retirement community lifestyle while you are healthy and able to enjoy all of the benefits that accompany it.